Wednesday, June 28, 2006

SIX Trade Show Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Trade Show Marketing has changed a lot in the past few years.

As they say, there is the easy way and the hard way. I learned my trade show mistakes the hard (and expensive) way. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. You may be in that situation too. If you use trade shows as a way to promote your business, you should think about what I am about to tell you and discover if these strategies can help you get better trade show results at a lower cost.

Trade Show Marketing Mistake Number One:
Not having a clear purpose and plan for each show.
This seems to be fairly obvious but so many companies I talk to are in the trade show rut. They have been in a show in the past and continue to stay in. Even if the show has shifted its focus, redefined its market, or has competition of its own.
If you have people in your company who say “We can’t miss this show, what will people think?” or “What message does this send to the market place?” you may be in this rut.
It’s clear it’s not their budget they are talking about. A client of mine did a show for years and had a new product to launch. It was a product intended for a new market. The show they had done for years, didn’t suit their market. But, they couldn’t let go and couldn’t afford to add new shows to the roster.
So instead of selecting a different show, one suitable to their new target market, they stayed in the same show, launched their product and puzzled over the poor reception of their product.
Trade Show Marketing Tip. Do you do a continuous review of your shows to ensure they stay in touch with your market, products, competition, and strategy?

Trade Show Marketing Mistake Number Two:
Investing heavily in a new (expensive) booth without knowing your show ROI.
What’s an ROI you ask? It stands for Return On Investment and is a tool the best marketers in the world use daily. Simply it means I am doing a particular show and expect a certain number of (hopefully qualified) leads and my budget is X amount of money.
Your cost per lead is leads divided by budget. How does that compare to other marketing strategies you run? Other shows? Past shows?
Or if your expectation is to do a product launch? What is the number of interviews, media mentions and write ups you expect to achieve?
Trade Show Marketing Tip. No matter what your trade show goal is . . . measure, measure, measure

Trade Show Marketing Mistake Number Three:
Not thinking about your competition.
Trade shows are great. Delegates can go to the show, see what suppliers are doing in their industry, look for products that offer competitive advantage and incorporate them into their buying plans. That’s the good news.
The bad news is that while they are there they can make a direct comparison of you and your competitors. How they look, how they behave, how they represent themselves, and what they offer. Now, people aren’t looking for sameness. They are looking for difference. You all have the same professional booth, the same well trained professional staff, the same glossy brochures, and the same give-aways. So what is your competitive advantage? You must know first of all, how you separate yourself from your competition and have a clear message but you must also ensure you appear to be different on the show floor.
That’s what’s great about the internet these days. All of your competitors will have a web site with coming events in it. So between last years exhibitor list and your competitor’s web sites there is no excuse for not knowing who will be there at the show.
Trade Show Marketing Tip. Figure it out! And separate yourself from the pack--your results will improve.

Trade Show Marketing Mistake Number Four:
Not training the booth staff.
Next time you attend a show, look for any of the following behaviors.
•Cell phone usage
•Exhibitor staff talking to each other
•Talking about clients
•Food and Beverages in the booth
•Gum chewing
•Corporate secrets-in the open! You get the idea!

Perhaps any one of these is not an indictable offence, but have you seen more than one? Or even, was it the one thing that caused a potential prospect to pass you by. An opportunity that would never come again. Often in shows people who are not professional sales reps attend and pull booth duty. Product managers, PR people, CFO’s and others. Just being in a show doesn’t mean they know selling skills and/or show etiquette.
Trade Show Marketing Tip. Hold training classes before the show, write out a show guide, and have a pre-show meeting on the show floor to remind everyone that behavior that would not be tolerated in the boardroom of your best client would not be tolerated on the floor either.

Trade Show Marketing Mistake Number Five:
Not trying to qualify a prospect.
IF you are attending trade shows to generate new leads, you will want to as closely as possible follow your selling process. The fact you are at a show and everyone is giving away yo-yos doesn’t shouldn’t keep you from doing what you do in real sales situations—qualify your prospect.
I had a client who sold to small business owners. Which of the following opening statements would have the best effect for him?
A: Hi, would you like to see my product?
B: Would you like a yo-yo?
C: Do you own a small business?
If you picked C (I surely hope you did) you are on your way to leveraging your trade show investment. It is critical to know if you are talking to the people who your marketing efforts are targeting. Just because someone is at a show doesn’t mean they are your target audience. They could be media (yay), competition (groan), or tire kickers (yikes).
Trade Show Marketing Tip. Your success will be greater if you plan to qualify in the booth. Qualified prospects are like gold-you need to dig a little bit. Remember to train you staff (all of them) to ask the sales question. “Are you my market?”

Trade Show Marketing Mistake Number Six:
A weak follow up plan.
You have in your hand, a list of people who stopped by your booth (lets say they aren’t qualified) or you have a stack of business cards (lets say they are qualified decision makers).
What you do next will make a difference to your result.
You must have a measurable, crisp, FAST follow up plan in place. This is one way you will most certainly separate you from your competition. Here is an area where most people fall down.
The scariest story I heard of was actually a friend of mine who worked a booth in a trade show and allowed someone else to take the business cards home. Can you guess? They lost the cards! There was no back up. They were GONE!
Now that leads to poor follow up. The onus was on the prospects to remember they talked with you and want to continue to talk with you.
Trade Show Marketing Tip. So plan and measure your follow up. That alone costs you no money and delivers a better result. As you can see many of these mistakes are common sense. But common sense only if you have seen them work or not work in your favor.
Trade Show marketing is a skill. And as such can be developed to produce better results.

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Throw in an Extra Banner Stand

You've spent considerable time and effort designing a killer trade show booth or popup display. But now you find you would like to emphasize a new product, or a special service your company has just introduced. Do you have to go back to square one and redesign your entire booth?

Definitely not. Just add an extra banner stand or retractable display unit or two. Highlight your new product offering by doing up a special portable JiffyRoll. Or punch up your presentation by replacing those low tech flip charts with a graphically striking retractable display.
These units are versatile enough to be placed near your featured product. Then move it to your presentation area and use it as a graphic backdrop when making your pitch.
Retractable displays are portable, easy to set up, and very inexpensive. In fact the price of these units has come down so much you no longer have to be concerned with amortizing their cost over five or six shows. A banner stand is inexpensive enough to be considered a one time item. A JiffyRoll (Roll Up) costs a bit more, but will give you many uses. In fact, if you take care of them, either of these retractable display types are sturdy enough to last for years.

Design for Impact
Since you want to maximize the dramatic graphic impact of your banner stand or JiffyRoll, try using a bit of design flair. Don't settle for a blown up version of your presentation's title page, or just the product name followed by a few bulleted features. Create a display design that has impact — that is striking and that people will notice.
Digital printing techniques give you the ability to use full color photographs and artwork. If you don't know anything about working with images, or have never used graphic design software, get your company's graphic designer to create something with visual impact. Consult the design section at and for design and technical advice.
Or, even better, talk to your trade show display supplier and see if they can design something for you as part of their service. Since they have done this sort of thing hundreds of times, they will have a very good idea of what you are trying to accomplish, and they will know exactly what raw materials you need. They can often put an impressive design together for much less than you are likely to pay a free lance designer.For more information go to or

About the Author Rick Hendershot is a marketing consultant operating out of Conestogo, Ontario, Canada. He publishes several websites and blogs, including Web Traffic Resources, Marketing Bites, SuperCharge Your Website with Power Linking, and many more.

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Seven Ways to Put Show Biz into Your Tradeshow

The best way to attract and mobilize more customers to attend your trade show is to bring a "show biz" mentality to all your marketing and at-show strategies. After all, you are in show business. In today's marketplace, consumers are drawn by glitter and excitement but turned off by humdrum events. If you put on a dull show you will generate little interest. Following are seven ways to put more show biz into your exposition.

Think like Disney.
There was never a greater promoter than Walt Disney. Everything he touched turned exciting, colorful, and was bursting with energy. The Disney legacy continues as the Disney Corporation dazzles and entertains millions with its products, parks, and superb customer service.
What does Disney do that every trade show organizer should emulate? Disney injects a show business mentality into everything it does by creating an image that makes people smile and lets them know they're in for a first-class experience. Disney employees undergo rigorous customer service training and are famous for their courtesy, cheerfulness, and problem-solving skills.
So when planning your pre-show marketing strategies, remember to think like Disney. Everything you do to promote and implement your show must be first-class, creative, and professional. Train your show employees to provide enthusiastic and helpful customer service. Unpleasant experiences with trade show employees can ruin the show biz experience you've worked hard to create.

Make your trade shows interactive.
When people manipulate objects they often form an attachment to them. They get an idea of how the products work and are more excited about the possibility of buying them. Thus, advise your exhibitors to set up audio-visual displays that attendees can easily operate -- they will feel like they are part of the show experience as they connect with your products.

Put the Internet to work for you.
You can interact with potential exhibitors and attendees through the Internet, both in your pre-show marketing and during the show. Experts believe that virtually all trade shows will incorporate the Internet into their marketing strategies in the near future.
At the very least, you should have a professionally designed Web site that provides information about your show, allowing consumers to easily find out as much about your event as possible. Today's techno-savvy consumers are instantly turned off by Web sites that aren't interesting, easy to access, and informative.

Make your shows unforgettable experiences.
"If meetings are really going to change our lives, meeting professionals need to begin to shape memorable events," said Jim Gilmour, author of The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre & Every Business is a Stage. "Successful meetings must create emotionally based experiences for attendees," Gilmour said.
How do you generate such an experience? Again, think Disney. Capture the imaginations of attendees by providing a wealth of sights, sounds, aromas, and entertainment, along with a high degree of interactivity.

Make your trade shows fun.
Live entertainment, educational seminars, clowns, puppeteers, and magicians are just a few of the tools you can use to make your show fun and informative. Advise your exhibitors not to rely on their products alone to sell the show biz experience. Booths filled with inanimate objects are boring and won't capture the attention of your audience. However, if you support your exhibitors by injecting a little excitement into the show, you'll have attendees in the palm of your hand.

Provide lots of comfortable space.
Make sure you have enough space at your show, both on the exhibition floor and in the booths, to comfortably accommodate your guests. Don't try to cram as many booths as possible into the space allotted. A cramped show environment does not allow attendees free rein to wander comfortably, and harried, crowded consumers don't make good customers.
Help your exhibitors design their booths so they don't sacrifice comfort for hardware. Booths that are crowded with display items make it difficult for consumers to focus their attention on each item. Advise your exhibitors to set up their booths so that attendees can see everything clearly in an uncluttered space. Booths should provide good lighting, easy-to-read signage, and attention-grabbing graphics. Consider publishing a brief pamphlet of booth design tips and distribute it to exhibitors.

Inject show biz excitement into your advertising and public relations.
Without resorting to hyperbole, your advertising should reflect the excitement, creativity, and flavor of your event. Observe how the producers of movies and Broadway musicals advertise their shows and incorporate as many of those elements as are feasible in your own advertising. Every ad you place should showcase the opportunities that your show offers.
Train your most trusted show employees to lead the media to the most engaging exhibits. Have a staff member on hand at all times who can articulately tell reporters about your event and what makes it unique.
Remember you are in show biz, and you must create and promote an event that is as exciting and dramatic as a great movie or play. Your exhibition space is your stage. In order to generate interest, you must put on a performance that will keep attendees riveted to your exhibits and eager to come back for the sequel!

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Eight Success Tips for Your First Trade Show Booth

Exhibiting in a trade show can involve a major investment of money and time. But the financial returns for your business can be excellent if you learn some of the secrets of trade show booth success before signing up for a show and investing in your displays.

If you're considering setting up at a trade show for the first time, here are eight tips for a successful trade show booth display:

1) Rent the smallest possible booth space for your first trade show. The first time you exhibit, you'll learn a lot about what works for you and your products and what doesn't, and what you'd like to change for your next show. Also, seeing other exhibitors' booths and ideas will inspire you to evolve various aspects of your own display. So it's a good idea to keep your trade show expenses lower as you learn, by renting a smaller space and starting with a simple display.

2) Create an open trade show exhibit. Make it a space people can enter comfortably without feeling trapped. If you set a table across the front of your booth and stand behind it, it's harder to draw customers in and involve them - so they tend to walk on by.

3) Keep your booth uncluttered so customers can focus on what's important - your product. When approaching your display, anyone should be able to discern immediately what your booth is promoting. No one is going to take the time to study it and guess, when there are hundreds of other booths to visit.

4) Before planning your trade show booth display, find out everything you can about your allotted space. Know its dimensions, where it will be located in the building, what companies or organizations will be in your neighboring booths, whether it's in a high or low traffic area, whether you have access to lighting and electricity, and anything else that will affect your exhibit display setup.

5) For your first trade show, consider renting booth display components. Rental displays can relieve you of the issues of transportation and storage, and allow you to be a little more daring in your exhibit design than you might be if you were purchasing them. Also, studies show that many first-time exhibitors never do a second trade show. If you only exhibit once or twice, purchasing your own exhibit components doesn't make economic sense.

6) Design your booth with an eye to keeping shipping costs low. Oversized or heavy displays can be very expensive to ship to the trade show, and may also require that you hire expo personnel to bring them into the exhibit hall and help you set them up. Opt for smaller, collapsible, lighter weight displays as much as possible.

7) Plan to secure your expensive items so that they can't be stolen at a trade show. If you use a laptop computer for a multimedia presentation at your booth, be sure to have it securely locked to your display, and take it with you at night if it's a multiple-day event. Display the samples of your more expensive products either well inside your booth where they can't "walk off" as attendees stroll by, or inside a locked display case.

8) For the most professional image, create a unified appearance for your displays. Choose no more than three colors for your display elements and table coverings - such as gray, white, and blue. Each exhibit component should be one of your three colors. Also, choose no more than three textures - such as brushed metal, matte vinyl, and clear acrylic; each display element should be one of these textures. This creates a professionally pulled-together booth that lets your products stand out in the display.

In summary, although it's tempting to go all out when designing your first trade shows booth display, it makes more sense to keep your first booth small and simple, and focus your energy on marketing your products and networking at your first show. During the event, learn as much as possible about how you'd like to alter your exhibit for show next show, and write down all your ideas either during or immediately after the show.

Once you have your first trade show under your belt, you'll have a much sharper idea of what you do - and don't - need in a trade show display to make each successive show your most profitable one to date.

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Friday, June 23, 2006

Why Exhibit...

Exhibitions Deliver!
1. Exhibitions attract targeted buyers.
2. Exhibitions attract decision makers.
3. Exhibitions serve a variety of purposes for visitors.
4. Exhibitions provide returns.

Ten Reasons to Exhibit
1. Meet thousands of new buyers and develop a quality database
2. Develop a personal and direct relationship with your clients
3. Show your full product range in real life rather than a catalogue
4. Let buyers use all five senses to gain a full appreciation of your product
5. Get immediate feedback on your product range

6. Overcome objections and accelerate the buying process
7. Sell product at the show
8. Raise your profile in the industry and add value to your brands
9. Locate new agents and distributors for your products
10. Launch a new product and generate media interest

Meet the decision makers
· 83% of all visitors to a trade show have the authority to purchase or are a decisive influence in the purchasing decision of the company.
· 72% of trade show visitors intend to make a purchase either at the show or in the near future.

Exhibitions are effective because
· 54% of visitors come specifically to see new products and services
· 48% come for information
· 40% to keep up to date with technology
· 15% to make business contacts

Did you know?
· 46% of people planning to visit a trade show make the decision to attend more than 2 weeks before the show.
· 25% of visitors decided to attend the trade show because they had attended the same event before
· 82% of trade show visitors are aged over 25
· An average expenditure of 9% of companies’ marketing budgets was measured as returning 23% of business.

Did you know?

· 62% attend for information
· 34% look for new products and services
· 21% have attended the same event before
· 53% plan to attend before the show opens
· 82% of those from out of town or state have travelled specifically to visit the show
· 87% are aged over 25

6 Quick Tips
1. Choose the right show. Often there are a number of options. Choose the show with a good record of attracting your kind of buyers.
2. Book your stand early. You will have a better choice of stands, lots of time for planning and may be eligible for an early booking discount
3. Promote your participation leading up to the event. Send out letters to all of your current and potential clients to let them know you will be at the show
4. Design your stand so it looks professional and so your product is the most obvious feature. It is important that visitors know what you do.
5. Search for qualified buyers at the show. Get your staff to be active in looking for the right people, qualifying their interest and recording their details
6. Follow up straight after the show. The show is the first big step, but to get real results you need to contact all the buyers you met at the show.

Choosing A Show
· Use the EMPL website to establish what shows are being planned, in which State, and when.
· Obtain a list of exhibitors from the organiser, to determine whether the show covers your particular industry.
· Speak to companies who exhibited at the last show, to gauge how successful it was.
· Obtain an audited breakdown of show visitors from the organiser, to see if the visitors are your target audience.
· Discover how established the show is and has it grown in the last few years.
· If possible, first visit the show to assess its appearance, organisation and success.
· Ask the organiser for a list of current, confirmed exhibitors.
· If it is an inaugural show, check the credential and history of the organiser.

Booking A Stand
· Establish how much space you ideally require to display your products/services.
· Check whether this then fits within your budget.
· Select a stand with high traffic flow eg. Near entrance, adjacent to kiosk, or on a corner.
· Ideally your stand should have more frontage than depth, for better traffic exposure.
· Ask who is on the adjacent stands. Do you wish to be next to competitors?
· Book early to obtain the widest choice of stands, and to gain an "early booking" discount.
· Sign and return the "Contract for Space" promptly, with deposit, to confirm your preferred site
· If you require special services eg. Gas, air, water, and ensure your preferred stand has these.

· Read your exhibitors manual carefully. You will find all the information you need to make ordering things easy.
· After you have defined your objectives and designed your stand, establish a list of your requirements.
· Ask questions. Talk to the preferred suppliers if you are not sure, need clarification or ideas.
· Ask for written confirmation of the things you have ordered from your supplier.
· Ensure your stand coordinator brings a copy of your order to the show during set-up.
· Get in early. At least four weeks prior to the show. Last minute orders can incur late fees and delays during set-up or you may have to compromise due to shortage in supply.
· Use the official show contractor. They have been selected on their performance and will be there to help at the show if you need it.
· Keep it simple. Don't order too much for your floor space. As a rule, at least 50% of your floor space should be left for visitors.

Moving Things
· Where show stock is very valuable, insure it including during transit.
· If using outside carriers, book them four weeks in advance. Note many do not operate on weekends or holidays.
· Plan so that your product arrives after the construction of your stand has been completed.
· Ensure that fragile equipment/product is safely packaged.
· Use reputable freight forwarders, if product is coming from overseas. Seek recommendations from the organizer.
· Every item must be clearly labelled with your stand number and company name.
· Get a loading dock confirmation time from the organiser, to avoid your carrier waiting in queues.
· During move out, pack all your goods then move them out.

How to Make the Most of the Exhibition
· Set SMART objectives. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and to a Timeframe. What do you want from this exhibition?
· Define the target audience. Who are the audience at this show? What products and services will they be interested in?
· Develop your message. Keep it simple and to the point. Aim your show specific message at the target audience.
· Attract people to your stand. Consider at show promotions, sample giveaways, competitions, hospitality, or launch a new product. However, don't let these things distract from your key objectives.
· Communicate. Who you are. What you do. What benefits you offer to your clients. The obvious needs to be stated.
· Pre-Show Targeting. Promote in the publications that the show promotes in. Involve you whole marketing mix early. Send out complimentary invitations to attend to you current and prospective client base inviting them to join you.
· Be clear and concise. Exhibitions are a competitive environment. You only have seconds to attract visitor's attention and engage them with your message.
· Graphics. Larger, bolder, simpler. As a rule of thumb, think of a size and double it. Think of a freeway billboard. What works on the printed page or website will not always work in an exhibition.
· Space. Leave plenty of room for visitors (buyers) on your stand. At least 50% of your floor area should be left for visitors.
· Involve your sales team. Brief your team on the stand prior to the show. Give them the whole picture, the why, what, where, who and your objectives, and seek feedback on your exhibit for the next show (write it down). Train your staff with in the three key areas of successful trade show preparation: how to manage visitors, product training and the gathering and recording of leads.
· Why will visitors buy from you?
Trust and comfort - analyse your key audience and communicate the visual language your customers speak and understand.
Quality of product and services.
Promise of after-sales service - an important factor for decisions to purchase - amplify your product warranties and back up your promises.
· Review, develop and change. Continual development and change is a must. Visitors (buyers) may walk past your exhibit if it "looks the same as last time" - nothing new here!
· Capture the moment. Photograph the event. Use it in further promotion and as a great stepping stone to your next exhibition stand.
Sales are made after the show - have a follow-up strategy in place! Organise leads generated, send out follow-up communications, and make follow-up phone and sales calls. Qualify sales post event and review the results in three months time - you'll be surprised how many will be attributed to your presence at a trade show.

· Staffing will ultimately determine how successful the show is to you.
· Use your very best staff - those that are friendly, motivated, and have a real knowledge of your products.
· Avoid using outside temporary staff - trade visitors expect to get answers from experts.
· Roster staff in four hour cycles, to avoid them is getting tired and de-motivated.
· Brief staff as to the goals of your exhibiting, so that they can focus on these.
· Set specific targets (eg. $ sales, visitor contacts) and offer rewards for achieving these.
· Instruct staff as to their "body language" on the stand.
· Have a de-briefing at the end of each day, to review results and problems.

· Ensure that your insurance policies are extended to cover the show.
· Whilst thefts rarely occur at exhibitions, be particularly alert during move in and move out.
· Always have a lockable cupboard or storage area on your stand, for personal valuables eg. Wallets, phones, handbags.
· Co-operate with security guards employed by the organizer, as they are there to protect your property.
· Report any thefts immediately to the organizer.
· Never leave small, portable, valuable items unattended on your stand eg. Laptop, handbags
· During move out, station somebody on your stand until all product is removed.
· Don't leave commercially sensitive material on your stand, eg. pricing folders, client lists.

Expo Jargon
· Application: The form you need to complete to apply for an exhibition stand. Once accepted by the organiser the application normally becomes your contract.
· Booth: An American term for an exhibition stand. Often refers to a 3m x 3m stand with basic walls and flooring.
· Corinthian: A form of exhibition walling made up of wood panels covered in velcro-compatible fabric. Has the advantage of providing a flat and durable surface
· Darling Harbour: Generally refers to the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre which is located in the Darling Harbour precinct, a short walk from the city centre
· Floorplan: The layout of an exhibition or event showing all the stands and major venue features
· Framelock: An Australian designed modular construction system for exhibition stands. Comprises square poles, flat panels and other accessories for flexible yet affordable stand design.
· Jeff's Shed: The Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre
· Loading Dock: The area normally located at the back of the venue where goods may be unloaded and brought into the venue. Normally there is a wait during peak times. Forklift services or trolley hire may be available for a small charge. Check with the organiser.
· Manual: Most organisers issue an Exhibitor Manual to each exhibitor once they have contracted to an event. The manual will generally include an information section, checklists, order forms and catalogues for additional services
· Octanorm: An internationally recognised modular construction system for exhibition stands. Comprises eight sided poles, flat panels and other accessories for flexible yet affordable stand design.
· Organiser: A company who puts events together. Some organisers own the events they run while others organise events on behalf of industry associations.
· Pipe and Drape: An American system that provides basic fabric walls between stands. Generally not used in Australia.
· Pits: Service ducts located in the floor of an exhibition venue. Most would have power and telephone connections. Some have water, waste, compressed air or gas.
· Registration: The process of collecting visitor details before they enter the show. Common at trade shows but not public exhibitions
· Rigging: The process of hanging lights or banners from the ceiling of a venue. Generally allowed above your own stand at an additional cost.
· Shell scheme: Exhibition Space supplied with a basic stand. Often includes carpet, walls, lighting and a nameboard. Sometimes includes a powerpoint but not always.
· Space only: Exhibition stand supplied as bare floor-space. You will need to build your own stand.
· Space Plus: Exhibition Space supplied with a basic stand. Often includes carpet, walls, lighting and a nameboard. Sometimes includes a powerpoint but not always.
· Supplier: A company who provides services to the exhibition industry. For example furniture, stand design, rigging, transport or signage.
· Tracker: Refers to a machine which scans visitor name-badges and prints to an address label or floppy disk. Normally available for hire at larger trade shows
· Venue: The building where events are staged
· Withdrawal Fee: A fee agreed to by the exhibitor when they apply for space that will be paid if they subsequently withdraw from that exhibition. Generally it represents a percentage of the stand cost which increases as the show becomes closer.

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Psychology & Symbolism of Color in Logo Design

Great care should be taken in choosing the colors for your identity. Once a color is owned it will be forever associated with you and your company. It can be just as important to your identity as your logo. If a shape provides a symbol, you should know that color does the same.
It is important to understand the psychology behind color choices. A good color selection can help make an identity system more effective, while a poor color selection can actually damage your company's image in the eyes of the public.
Colors evoke feelings and represent ideas. In logo design-as in all things designed- knowledgeable and appropriate use of color is critical.
The power of color is something that most people are unaware of - in fact, few are unaffected by it. It is quite important that we live with the colors that best suit our personalities so that we can enjoy a more contented and healthier life. Colors affect people in many ways, depending upon one's age, gender, ethnic background or local climate. Certain colors or groups of colors tend to evoke a similar reaction from most people - the overall difference being in the shade or tones used.
Warm colors include Reds, Oranges and Yellows and create a mood of excitement & warmth, stimulating activity and creativity.
Cool colors have passive, calming qualities that aid concentration and can create a mood of peacefulness and tranquility, reducing tension. Energy, Passion, Power, Excitement Health, Regeneration, Contentment, Harmony Happy, Confident, Creative, Adventurous Honesty, Integrity, Trustworthy Wisdom, Playful, Satisfying, Optimistic Regal, Mystic, Beauty, Inspiration. Cool shades include Violets and Blues.
Green can be either warm or cool. When it's influenced by yellow, it becomes warm and when it's influenced by blue, it becomes cool.
Neutrals are great for adding stability and balance in a room. They include white, black, gray and colors that contain a significant amount of gray.
When choosing colors, it is also important to consider the effect of the lightness and darkness, or value of color. Lighter colors tend to be more active, and deeper colors tend to be passive.
The effects of color differ among different cultures, so the attitudes and preferences of your target audience should be a consideration when you plan your design of any promotional materials. For example, white is the color of death in Chinese culture, but purple represents death in Brazil. Yellow is sacred to the Chinese, but signifies sadness in Greece and jealousy in France. In North America, green is typically associated with jealousy. People from tropical countries respond most favorably to warm colors; people from northern climates prefer the cooler colors.
In North American mainstream culture, some colors are associated with certain qualities or emotions: Red colors can stimulate warmth, hunger, and excitement. Cooler colors such as green and blues, enhance calm and content feelings. Dark colors make objects seem heavier, while light colors make them seem lighter. Yellow may reflect a lack of worry, while black a troubled state. Of course not all colors mean the same things to all people. Yellow may sometimes mean cheap, Green may mean money or greed, black may mean elegance or death.
Psychologically, and on its own, white is the color of cleanliness and purity, truthfulness, youth, simplicity and innocence. White has become a very popular background color in web sites, because it offers the best readability onscreen, and as a "non-color," just about any palette works well against it.
Market researchers have also determined that color affects shopping habits. Impulse shoppers respond best to red-orange, black and royal blue. Shoppers who plan and stick to budgets respond best to pink, teal, light blue and navy. Traditionalists respond to pastels - pink, rose, sky blue.
Use the following charts to help you with color preferences for your logo design project.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Psychology of Colour

We all know that colour can affect our moods. We find some colours uplifting and inspiring, and others depressing. We often use terms such as "feeling blue," yellow-bellied," "green with envy," and "seeing red" without thinking of the meaning behind the words.

Our feelings and emotions are directly affected by the balance or imbalance of hormones in the body; since this is affected by colours they will also have a marked influence on our moods and feelings. Certain colours can calm our minds, while others stimulate mental activity. By restoring a balance of colour energy flowing to the pituitary, metabolic and emotional equilibrium can be restored. This can alleviate stress, tension, anxiety, and depression. Certain colours can help us deal with feelings of lonleliness, frustration, and greif.
Using colour to alter emotional energy also results in changed perceptions of the world, and our experience of it. Since colour directly links to the subconscious mind we can use it to diagnose and treat a problem at a deep level.

Red, the single most dynamic and passionate color, symbolizes love, rage and courage. Demanding attention, red has great emotional impact. Those who select red are aggressive, impulsive and strive for success. The desire to experience the fullness of living leads to constant activity.

Red is a powerful colour that has always been associated with vitality and ambition. It can help overcome negative thoughts. However, it is also associated with anger; if we have too much red in our system, or around us, we may feel irritable, impatient, and uncomfortable.
Pink is emotionally soothing and calming, and gives a feeling of gentle warmth and nurturing. It lessens feelings of irritation and aggression, surrounding us with a sense of love and protection. It also alleviates loneliness, despondency, oversensitivity, and vulnerability. While red relates more to sexuality, pink is associated with unselfish love.

Pink, emotional in character, connotes a sensitive heart. Universally representing caring and sharing, pink indicates a strong personality. The affectionate and concerned individual prefers pink. Gently, you offer love, attention and nurturing to those in distress.

Orange is the color of autumn, spice form and design. In bright tones, orange is jovial, cheerful and playful. Deepened, it becomes exotic and exciting. If orange is your choice, you have abundant energy with an eye for structure and organization. Your social nature finds you surrounded by family and friends.

Orange is a joyous colour. It frees and releases emotions and alleviates feelings of self-pity, lack of self-worth, and unwillingness to forgive. It stimulates the mind, renewing interest in life; it is a wonderful antidepressant and lifts the spirits. Apricot/peach is good for nervous exhaustion

Brown, sensuous in nature, represents an importance of hearth and home. It symbolizes physical comfort, ease and contentment. Should you seek brown, you are conscientious, steady and dependable. Your inner security, honesty and high virtue show that you take life seriously.

The colour of Mother Earth, brown brings a sense of stability, alleviating insecurity. However, it also relates to bottling up of emotion, a retreat from and a fear of the outside world, and also narrow-mindedness. This often results from a lack of self-worth.

Yellow is truly joyous and virtuous in its purest form. Yellow exudes warmth, inspiration and vitality, and is the happiest of all colors. Yellow signifies communication, enlightenment, sunlight and spirituality. If your favorite color is yellow, this indicates that you look forward to the future, and that you are intellectual, highly imaginative and idealistic. You tend to have a cheerful spirit and have an expectation of greater happiness.

Yellow is also a happy, bright, and uplifting colour, a celebration of sunny days. It is associated with the intellectual side of the mind, and the expression of thoughts. It therefore aids the powers of discernment and discrimination, memory and clear thinking, decision-making and good judgement. It also helps good organization, assimilation of new ideas, and the ability to see different points of view. It builds self-confidence and encourages an optimistic attitude. Conversely, dull yellow can be the colour of fear.

Green is the color of life, and represents freshness, security and tranquility. Green creates an atmosphere that is calm and restful, and characterizes the intense power of nature. If you selected green, you seek stability, balance and persistence. You are a moral and affectionate individual.

Green has a strong affinity with nature, helping us connect with empathy to others and the natural world. We instinctively seek it out when under stress or experiencing emotional trauma. It creates a feeling of comfort, laziness and relaxation, calmnes, and space, lessening stress, balancing and soothing the emotions. Dark green is helpful for emotional uncertainty.
But when green becomes muddy, dull, or olive, it indicates decay. Just like fallen leaves when they return to the Earth, muddy green represents the onset of death and is nondescript, unassertive, a negation of life and joy. Lime and olive-green can have a detrimental effect on both physical and emotional health since sickly yellow and green are associated with the emotions of envy, resentment, and possessiveness.

TOSCA/Turquoise. We associate blue-greens with the refreshing and cool ocean. It is therefore invigorating, cooling, and calming. Like green, turquoise is good for mental strain and tiredness or feeling washed-out. It is an elevating colour that encourages us to make a sparkling fresh start. Turquoise is also helpful for feelings of loneliness, since it heightens communication, sensitivity, and creativity.

Cool and constant, teal indicates stability and resistance to change. If teal is your favorite color, you are a sensitive individual, and have excellent taste. Optimistic and trusting, you have a high degree of faith and hope, easily trusting others.

BLUE The color of tranquility, blue is cooling, soothing and orderly. The color of royalty, blue brings comfort and serenity to our lives. If you choose blue, you have a basic need for a calm, harmonious and tension-free existence. Capable, conservative and sensitive to others, you make a loyal and trustworthy friend.

Blue is a cool, calming colour and is associated with a higher part of the mind than yellow. It represents the night, so it makes us feel calm and relaxed as if we are being soothed by the deep blue of the night sky. Light and soft blue, make us feel quiet and protected from all the bustle and activity of the day, and alleviates insomnia. Blue inspires mental control, clarity, and creativity. Midnight blue has a strong sedative effect on the mind, allowing us to connect to our intuitive and feminine side. Too much dark blue can be depressing, however.

Violet, Indigo and Purple, the color of luxury, indicates sensuality, passion and depth of feeling. This lavish color creates an unusual atmosphere and provides an unexpected essence. If you like violet, you tend to be unique, highly sensitive and observant. Creative and artistically talented, you tend to have a complex personality.

Indigo, violet and purple have a deep affect on the psyche and have been used in psychiatric care to help calm and pacify patients suffering from a number of mental and nervous disorders. These colours balance the mind and also help transform obsessions and fears.
Indigo is a powerful, psychic colour associated with the right side of the brain, and stimulates intuition and imagination. It is also a strong sedative. Violet and purple are colours of transformation at a very deep level, bringing peace and combating shock or fear. They have a cleansing effect in emotional disturbances. They are also connected with artistic and musical impulses, mystery, and sensitivity to beauty and high ideals, stimulating creativity, inspiration, sensitivity, spirituality, and compassion. Violet can exert strong psychic influences, however, and a person attracted by it has to guard against living in a fantasy world. Purple is associated with psychic protection.

GREY The cold influence of grey keeps it foreign, remote and distant. Grey is preferred by those individuals who put their noses to the grindstone. If grey is your favorite color, you tend to be a careful, articulate individual who is focused and dedicated to your commitments.

Associated with independence, self-reliance, self-control, gray acts as a shield from outside influence. However, gray generally has a negative feeling - thick gray clouds, fog, and smoke. Gray is the colour of evasion and noncommitment since it is neither black nor white. It relates to walling everything off, remaining separate, uncommitted, and uninvolved, inevitably leading to loneliness. It also denotes self-criticism.

White suggests goodness, purity and innocence. Its elusive nature provides serenity and the essence of perfection. The individual who chooses white as a favorite color seeks excellence and enlightenment in all philosophies. Simplicity, purity and recognition are a constant endeavor.

The colour of ultimate purity is white. It is an all-round colour of protection, bringing peace and comfort, alleviating emotional shock and despair, and helping inner cleansing of emotions, thoughts and spirit. If you need time and space to reflect on your life, white can give you a feeling of freedom and uncluttered openness. Too much white, however, can be cold and isolating, because white separates us from other people.

Magenta. When we are feeling despondent and worried about our condition, or are feeling angry and frustrated, magenta draws us our out of this attitude and lets our spirits soar. It is a spiritual colour but also with practical overtones, associated with a compassion, support, and kindness.
From a negative perspective, magenta, like violet, makes us desire to be lifted out of the demanding world and avoid challenges. It can also be too relaxing. So avoid magenta if you are chronically depressed or introverted.

Black. This colour is both comforting, protective, and mysterious. It is associated with silence, the infinite, and the feminine life force - passive, uncharted, and mysterious. Black can also prevent us from growing and changing. We often cloak ourselves in black to hide from the world.

Silver is the colour of the moon, which is ever-changing. It relates to the feminine principle and the emotional, sensitive aspect of the mind. It balances, harmonizes, and is mentally cleansing.

Gold. Like yellow, gold is associated with the sun and is therefore related to abundance and power, higher ideals, wisdom, and understanding. It is mentally revitalizing, engergizing, and inspiring, and helpful for fear, uncertainty, and lack of interest. Pale gold is excellent for depression and sharpens the mind.

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Welcome to the World of LEXIGRAMS

What is a Lexigram?

I first heard of the word Lexigram when I was reading the book "Star Signs" by Linda Goodman. A Lexigram is similar to an Anagram, but different. A Lexigram decodes hidden messages in words or titles by putting together full sentences that convey a deeper meaning of the original word. It is a spiritual process. The word lexigram for example yields the following words: relax, mare, mail, rail, grim, am, ram, grime, me.

How do I lexigram?
Just like in an Anagram you find all possible the words contained in the original word, name or title. Write down each word or phrase that you can form from the original word, name or title. Then in the next step guided by your intuition, your Higher Self, put your words together "to form short phrases or sentences". As you form your words and then sentences you will be surprised by the insights that come to light. Complete your final Lexigram(s) in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and if necessary give it more meaning by adding lower case a, the or but. It is best to do so sparingly.

In the past I have tried to lexigram on a piece of paper by just writing down the words I could see. This time around I have created my own tiles, just like scrabble tiles. I used a font that gave my the tiles and then I printed them in MS Word and cut them out, glued them to old preprinted magnets and cut them out. Now I can rearrange the letters physically and this seems to help in finding new and interesting words. It is just like doing a puzzle, only I write down the words after I have found them by rearranging the letters. Also having the tiles lying around open on the table every time I walk by I find another combination I hadn't thought of or seen before.

Do you like the font in the title image? You can download my 'Numerology Tile Font' by clicking here.

Are there Lexigram rules and what are they?
1. "If you lexigram a person's name and it contains the word liar or the phrase he lies or she lies or any other such negative word, such as thief or steal and you do not have the letters N, O or T to cancel the negative meaning - he/she not a liar - then that person has a problem and needs to be made aware of it, so that they can learn to control their personal character flaw. If on the other hand the negative word can be cancelled by the letters N, O or T, then the person or word being lexigramed will have been accused of whatever the negative word implies, but is not guilty. The person or word is only guilty if the the word YES appears without the cancel power of the word NO or NOT".
2. Each letter in the new word must come from the original word or name. You can use each original letter more than once for forming different words, but not in the same word, if the original word only contains that letter once. If the original word only contains one S you cannot lexigram a new word containing 2 letters S.
3. A word that contains all 5 vowels - a, e, i, o, u - cannot be lexigramed. It is best when at most 4 vowels are present, 3 or less vowels are better.
4. "The original word, name or phrase may not contain more than 15 different and separate letters. It ok for the same letter to occur more than once, then it will be only counted once - noon equals only 2 letters as both the N and the O occur twice" .
5. The reason for the previous two rules is that with a word or phrase containing all the vowels or more than 15 letters just about any word in the dictionary could be created and the Lexigram would not reveal anything valuable.

Lexigram Examples
Original ---------Word Lexigram
Diplomacy ------MAD POLICY
South -----------SO HOT
North -----------NOT HOT
Postage ---------PASTE TO PAGES
Violent ----------NO LOVE
Relate ----------REAL LATER
Contemplation --NO TIME
Snake -----------SNEAK
Earth -----------HEART, TEAR, HEAR, EAR, HATE, EAT
Earthlings ------STAR SIGN

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Receiving Energy from Numbers

Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Numbers and humans go hand in hand. From the beginning of time known we have been defined by a numerical equation whether age, birth date, weight, or the numbers of camels we have in out dowry, numbers have always seemed to be our silent partners.

Nowadays when a child is born the fist thing they are given is a number that will follow them for the rest of their lives until death at which time they will be given a new number to define them. The numbers on our clocks tell us when to go, when to stop when to drink coffee, when to sleep. Numbers are as much a part of us as our flesh.

In 1991/1992 the number 11:11 was issued to humanity as an activation number. Escorting us energetically into a new octave of Solar Light. Creating a numerical signature that follows us to this day. This past month we experienced the number of 8:8, which allowed us to walk into ancient Egyptian/Atlantean memories. Thus creating a doorway in which we could understand more of our innate self.

We look at the clocks on our microwaves, autos, and watches. Over and over again we see 11:11, 12:12, 1:11 2:22 etc. We innately know that these numerical digits are important but cannot seem to find the data that will explain the phenomena. Our eyes feel the frequency of completion as we enter into the remembering of each optical mantra.

When you experience the numerical downloads whether MASTER NUMBERS (all the same numbers) or PERSONAL CODES (seeing the same mixed numbers over and over again) stop for one full minute, allowing this energy to be birthed through you. Focus on your deepest desire and see it as manifest. The universe has just taken a picture of your thoughts. Empty yourself of any preconceived notions and let the light sew up the frayed edges of your intentions. Each and every number within your personal universe is triggering your subconscious into a new pattern of DNA configurations.

'000' is a reminder you are always one with the universe. Feel yourself within the center embraced by the Creator as you are held and love unconditionally. Walk around the inner circle of self-completing what needs to be completed.

'11,111,11:11' is a doorway or gateway into your highest potential as a human seeking divine memory. One is a singularity within 'all that is'. The 'one' seeks itself through mirror like reflection of the world around it. This doorway offers an opportunity to surpass any limitations you have unknowingly set for yourself. One to one to one enter the oneness hidden deep within your being at the center point of your soul. This energy stays activated until 2011.

'22, 222, 22:22' is the sequence of manifestation minus the frustration. Keep a holding pattern with your intent, knowing that what you have planted by your words, deeds and actions will grow and bloom in accordance with the heavenly seasons.

'33, 333, 33:33' the holy trinity is activated within the tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) within your DNA structure. This number offers an opportunity to connect with higher evolved spiritual beings/masters/angels/Christ whenever you view it.

'44, 444, 44:44' a foundation of light is being cemented for you. New opportunity comes without being asked. Stay balanced in what you know to be divine truth and the platform of light will solidify.

'55, 555, 55:55' the universe is making changes for you whether you ask for it or not. Allow the currents to take you into a new future full of possibilities still hidden from you at this point of seeing. Hold the vision until you land on the new shore.

Everything on earth is defined by a numerical configuration. All life can be reduced and explained by numbers. The currents of these numerical sequences bring into alignment a series of new understandings that will help to adjust and balance every human. The numbers on all levels align the body so it will be able to handle the higher definitions of photon light that is making itself known. Each number infusion is personalized to fit the needs of each individual. Allowing them the necessary ratio of light particles to numerical particles. As the brain adjusts to these new energies a lifting occurs allowing the individual to exit the human/animal ratio and be lifted into the human/light equation.

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Saturday, June 17, 2006


Numbers by Design by Kathleen Jacoby

To find your personal number for the entire year of 2001, take the number of the month of your birth. Add it to the day of your birth.
Then add the number 3 (representing 2001). If your birthday is November 11, you would add 11 + 11 + 3 = 25.
Take the total (if it is a double digit number) and add it together until you have a number between 1 and 9 as the final total.
25 would be 2+5= 7. Your number for 2001 is 7, and you will look at that number in each month's column to determine the focus of your journey.

1 - Your belief in what is possible is called for now. You can birth something wonderful, and transmute emotions into creative expression. You have the gift of making others smile, and bringing sunshine into the world around you. We need your humor, motivational support, and inspiration. When you feel defensiveness creep up in the face of criticism, drop it. By opening yourself to your highest potential, you reflect brightness to everyone, regardless of circumstances. That is a gift. Children are important, or the child within. Reach for the stars, believe in miracles, and help to express in a way that brings a new, better world into being.
2 - Things may feel unsettled as you confront challenging circumstances or shifts in life situations around you. Recognize that everything is moving toward a greater possibility––a larger picture is emerging. Right now, you are dealing with the reality you have created. Is it big enough to house you? Where do you have to overcome limiting reactions or personalities that would keep you in a physical or psychological space that is confining? Honesty is required. Willingness to risk the unknown. There may be a push-pull, as part of you wants to sink back into the old, while the other knows that it's time for rebirth. By pushing beyond your fears, you can achieve transformation and construct a new world.
3 - Everything is changing. You have an opportunity to expand your horizons, to interact with more people, and to utilize information for greater understanding. It is important to be flexible and adaptable as new possibilities present themselves. Also, be sure to harness enthusiasm with a dose of self-discipline to achieve objectives, or you will find yourself doing many things without anything tangible to show for your efforts. Your personal energy should be plentiful, and you can certainly use this to your advantage. Open your arms to life, and partake of things you don't normally do. It's all about seeing what's over the next horizon.
4 - The focus is on values and the well-being of your family, friends, and those you feel responsible for. Love hath no greater calling than giving of itself with open arms and compassion. If you find yourself in judgment of others, check your expectation level. It's important to do things with a full-hearted attitude once you have committed, but also to use discernment before agreeing to participate. Be aware of where there is need to restructure obligations, and then do it in a loving way if adjustments are needed. As you honor yourself and others, life prospers you.
5 - This has been a hectic and unpredictable year. With the possible changes you've encountered, it's now time to reflect, take time for yourself, and be still. Is that possible? Being in nature has a restorative effect. If you are working on a specialized project, this is a good time to gain deeper awareness of your goal. In general terms, ask yourself those questions that draw you to your higher nature. Participate in things that elevate your perspective and provide food for the soul.
6 - It's important now to integrate the essence of everything you've experienced this year. Find a point of balance and poise in the midst of responsibilities and demands on your time. Life is a large system of energy, and it's time to find your place and direct your portion of it. As you recognize the continuous dance of opposites, don't be polarized by either. Let yourself vibrate with the moment, recognizing that each is an ever-changing opportunity. When you flow with the elements, you claim your power, and orchestrate harmony in your corner of the world.
7 - It's time to let go of something you've been carrying around for a long time. This can be a relationship, an attitude, a way of living - any number of things that require release or completion. As you feel gratitude for all that you have and are, life opens the door to more. When you look at your life through eyes of resentment, you will find what you project. The opportunity is to drop the "false gods" that limit perception and recognize the unifying principle of love that seeks only for your good. We have an idea that our good means a fairy tale life. But our good is much deeper and vaster than that. It is no less than the turning of our soul to the light that we truly are, and the refining of the lens through which we reflect.
8 - This is a powerful month of decision. Your individuality, leadership, courage, and determination are required. New doors open, new opportunities emerge. As you move forward with a sword of truth, you can cut through the underbrush or the cobwebs of your own creation. Accord others dignity when they give their input. The final decision is yours, but there is a blunt way or a more polished approach that you can choose when dealing with others. Kindness is not weakness, it is the mark of maturity.
9 -This is a wake up call. Pay attention to messages, observe undercurrents, and open yourself to the receptive, intuitive part of your nature. Logic will not get you where you need to go. There are undercurrents and things going on behind the scenes. You may find yourself suddenly cutting away from something that is not supportive, or going towards something that compliments who you are. There is an element of the unexpected, and sometimes it is disruptive, but its function is to make you aware of where you need to clear misperceptions or projections that are limiting. You may have some brilliant insights now––make sure you communicate them.

Power Numbers

111...Energy flow. Enhancing whatever level you are in presently.
222...Resurrection and ascension process.
333...Decision number. Either directs you into a phase of 999 completion, or negativity, it puts you in the 666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension.
444...This is an actual resurrection number. You have just completed an important phase.
555...Experiencing the energy or a level of Christ Consciousness, very significant.
666...Material World. Third dimensional frequency. Denseness.
777...Symbolized an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the third dimensional plane, or at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth Plane.
888...Synbolized infinity. The unified spiral of the physical merging with the spiritual. Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of the 222 and 444.
999...Symbolized the three levels of the triune. Completion.
000...Great Void. Experiencing a Null Zone. Switching or moving into a new energy field.
11:11...Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development. Another dimension or frequency of experience. A portal way opening.
12:12...A cosmic connection. A bridge to the future. Signifies a level of completion or graduation.

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Friday, June 16, 2006

Logo Design - Color psychology

That's right, there's a reason to use certain colors to convey a specific message.
- Red evokes aggressiveness, passion, strength, vitality.
- Pink evokes femininity, innocence, softness, health.
- Orange evokes fun, cheeriness, warm exuberance.
- Yellow evokes positively, sunshine and cowardice.
- Green evokes tranquility, health, freshness.

- Blue evokes authority, dignity, security, faithfulness.
- Purple evokes sophistication, spirituality, costliness, royalty and mystery.
- Brown evokes utility, earthiness, woodsiness and subtle richness.
- White evokes purity, truthfulness, being contemporary and refined.
- Gray evokes somberness, authority, practicality and a corporate mentality.
- Black evokes seriousness, distinctiveness, boldness and being classic.

Choose colors that match your mission and the message you wish to convey.
Of all the forms of non-verbal communication, color is the most instantaneous method of conveying messages and meanings. Before humans learned to appreciate the aesthetics of color, there were far more practical aspects of communications with color. Our very survival depends on the ability to identify necessary objects and/or warnings signs whether they are animal, vegetable or mineral and color is integral part of the identification process.

Among other uses, color stimulates and works synergistically with all of the senses, symbolizes abstract concepts and thoughts, express fantasy or wish fulfillment, recalls another time or place and produces an aesthetic or emotional response

There is no better place to gauge the effectiveness of color than in the marketplace where it is a vital key in communicating a positive, enticing and irresistible image to a product. Often called the "silent salesperson," color must immediately attract the consumer's eye, convey the message of what the product is all about, create a brand identity and, most importantly, help to make the sale. At the very least (as on a Web page or in a print ad), it must create enough interest or curiosity to induce the would-be buyer to find out more about the product (or service).

Much of the human reaction to color is subliminal and consumers are generally unaware of the pervasive and persuasive effects of color. Psychological effect is instantaneous as color stimulates the senses and exerts its power of suggestion. The power that color wields is seen at every level of communication: in corporate identification and logos, signage, advertising on television, billboards, in print media and packaging, on the computer and at point-of-purchase.

As an example of color's power in marketing (and one we can all relate to) as consumers speed down the market aisles, their eyes rest on a package for approximately .03 seconds. In that blinking-of-an-eyelash timing, the package must rivet the observers' eyes, inform them of the package contents and, more importantly, appeal to their psyches.

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Finding Your Soul Colours

The colours we are attracted to over long periods of time are linked to our personality time, our strengths and weaknesses, as well as indicating our potential in life.

These colour preferences, which often remain unchanged for our whole lives, are known as "soul colours." They indicate the intrinsic qualities and inner resources we have at our disposal and also the challenges we must face because of our deficiencies.
Look at the colours you wear most often and see what they reveal about you. The following analyses are based on various psychological tests including the Max Luscher Colour Test. This test was developed for use by psychiatrists, psychologists and physicians to provide them with accurate information about a person through his or her choice of colour.

If you wear red...
You are impulsive, excitable, and energetic. You are ambitious and like things to happen quickly when you want them to do so. You like to be the best in everything you do. You may be a bit insensitive to the feelings of other people, since you like to be the center of attraction. Learn to be a good listener. Red means vital force, with your nervous activity urging you to achieve results and be successful. If you make a habit of wearing red it may indicate that you place importance on sexual desire and eroticism. This energy can be best used in the form of creative endeavor, leadership, and development and expansion. You are courageous and extroverted, but tend to become irritable and bad tempered if you do not get your own way. Learn patience. Maroon and brick reds show you are fun-loving, but be careful not to become resentful and feel victimized by others.

If you wear pink...
You have an affectionate, loving nature, which makes you sympathetic and understanding. You may lack willpower and show weakness when you cannot control affairs of the heart. You need a great deal of support from others and can be childlike in your behaviour. You must learn to accept and love yourself. If you become more self-reliant you will attract and give out the feelings of warmth and love you desire.

If you wear orange, peach, or apricot...
You are competent, action-oriented, and impatient. You are also independent, an organizer, and self-motivated. Orange is the colour of practicality and creativity. Your energy levels are high, and you are sometimes restless. You have a forceful will and tend to be active and competitive. You are also excitable and can seek domination over others. Bright orange and burnt orange can make you feel frustrated or blocked. Try wearing peach, which will direct your energy to others in a more caring way.

If you wear yellow...
You have an interesting and stimulating personality. You like to be active and involved in whatever is going on. Lively and vital, you can cope well with life's challenges. Bright yellow represents spontaneity and communication. You are active, aspiring, and investigatory. There is a desire and hope of greater happiness, which implies some minor conflict in which release is needed. Yellow presses forward to the new, modern, the developing and unformed, and draws in ideas from the "higher mind."

If you wear green...
You are a cautious person and not inclined to trust others easily. You are an observer of life, but do not wish to get involved more than you have to. A quiet life suits you best. You are benevolent, humanistic, and service-oriented. If you wear blue-green you need a peaceful environment, wishing release from stress, and freedom from conflicts or disagreement. You take pains to control the situation and its problems by proceeding cautiously. You have sensitivity of feeling and a fine eye for detail. Try wearing pale yellow with your green to help you share yourself and develop an optimistic attitude.

If you wear light blue...
You are creative, perceptive, and sensitive. You have a good imagination and practical approach to life. Your approach can be analytical and you are best advised to use your knowledge for problem solving. You like to do things in your own time and not be rushed. You need a secure and peaceful environment.

If you wear dark blue...
You are intelligent, self-reliant, and have a great depth of feeling. You feel a responsibility for others and enjoy decision-making. You need tranquility around you and must be surrounded with tenderness, love and affection. Noisy people disturb you. You may suffer from mental stress owing to lack of play and relaxation. Try wearing some blue-greens or greens to help your self-expression and improve your health.

If you wear violet...
Yours is a sensitive, compassionate nature so you can be easily imposed upon and should be careful to pick friends who are as sensitive as you are yourself. To be happy, work where you feel needed. Try wearing lilac or magenta, a colour with more red in it. This will boost your self-confidence and provide your vulnerability with protection.

If you wear purple...
You are very intuitive and have deep feelings and high aspirations. You are interested in the best of everything, including your friends. Lesser mortals do not interest you or enter into your scheme of things except where necessary. Watch that you do not become arrogant - try to make more time for listening. Orchid, violet, or grape can make you feel imposed upon by others 'belief' systems, rules, and regulations. Be sensitive to your personal and spiritual needs. Try yoga or meditation to release mind blocks.

If you wear white...
White contains all the other colours in the spectrum, showing that you have a positive, well-balanced, and optimistic personality. You are highly individual, a loner, and might even be lonely. You seek a simplified lifestyle free from outside pressures. You have chosen a simple and pure colour, but one that reaches out for recognition. You are probably going through a transition period with new ideas that have not yet taken form. Be open-minded and communicate, for with white all things are possible.

If you wear gray...
You are very much an individual. Many people may get the impression you are self-sufficient as you have excellent self-control and prefer to remain uninvolved. Those who wear gray have a tendency to isolate themselves, which can lead to loneliness. You may be passive because you feel stressed and overburdened.
You need rest, relaxation, and freedom from daily stress. Maybe you need a good break - take in the blue of the ocean or green of the countryside. People who wear gray are often those who make judgments and may be good critics. Those who lack judgment and struggle to form opinions should wear gray.

If you wear brown...
Brown clothing suggests an honest, down-to-earth person who likes a structured, supportive lifestyle. A lover of the best things life has to offer, you are a sensuous type, appreciating good food, drink, and company. Brown is the colour of Mother Earth. It is a protective colour, but you may be bottling up emotion or a secret that makes you retreat into your shell and fear the outside world; thus you feel protected by wearing brown or muddy colours. There is a desire to be emotionally secure and accepted by the outside world. You need to understand your self-worth and ward off narrow-mindedness.

If you wear black...
You are strong willed, opinionated, and disciplined. You may be too inflexible and too independent. Watch out that these are not defense tactics. You may really lack confidence in yourself and your own ability to handle life efficiently. It may be you have a little way to go to maturity and are using black to cloak yourself while you discover your true identity. Black represents renunciation - the ultimate surrender or relinquishment - and those who choose to wear black constantly want to renounce everything out of a stubborn protest. Black worn on certain occasion’s shows you have control of yourself in order to communicate an authoritative image.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Colour Dislikes

You can find out a great deal about yourself by looking at the colours you dislike: these can reveal hidden weaknesses or areas of your self-image that need boosting. The colours you dislike will help you determine your vulnerabilities. For example, if you dislike pink, you hate being in situations where you feel dependent on others; if you dislike maroon, you may feel resentful of others.

Our dislike for certain colours also tells us about energy blocks in our system. There are many other reasons we may not like particular colours, usually because they hold certain associations for us. For instance, a colour may remind us of a person or place of which we have bad memories. We should try to discover what these bad associations are, so that we can start to put these memories behind us and bring this colour energy back into our life. The table opposite shows some broad associations.

Colours are neither good nor bad, for like everything in our universe they are made up of both positive and negative qualities. Generally speaking, however, clear bright or light colours reflect the positive aspects of a colour, while dark muddy versions of the colour reflect the negative side.

Colour Energy Associations
red = suffered rejection, defeat, or physical illness
pink = unreconciled emotions with mother or father
orange = mental or physical exhaustion
gold = rejection of material or spiritual wealth
yellow = suffered disappointments and loss of personal power
green = loneliness, grief, rejection, or mental trauma
blue = fear of failure or loss of wealth, status, or position
turquoise = shutting off feelings, afraid of change, in a rut emotionally
dark blue = someone being disloyal or letting you down, loss of faith
purple = feeling trapped by someone else's authority, creative block
black = desire to control and not relinquish personal power
white = need to come to a decision and make a clean break
brown = striving to become independent, change in attitude
gray = need of cooperation and support from friends and family

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Friday, June 9, 2006

Fire football

Lapangan Puputan, Bali - Indonesia - June 9, 2006

This is a special ritual from Bali. In certain traditional ceremonies where peoples play foot 'fire' ball.

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Nonton bareng

Lapangan Puputan, Bali - Indonesia - June, 2006

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Sunday, June 4, 2006

Chika itu Fenomena ....

ChikaFoto-foto Chika memenuhi forum-forum di Indonesia. Siapakah dia sebenarnya, dan mengapa ada ratusan foto dia tersebar luas di internet?

Chika seperti merupakan legenda hidup pornografi Indonesia. Lantas siapakah dia sebenarnya? Suatu pertanyaan yang seakan tiada habisnya memenuhi pikiran para penggemar Chika. Informasinya semua simpang siur dari beberapa orang.

Tidak ada yang tahu pasti tentang identitas aslinya. Dan entah kenapa tidak seperti kasus pornografi lainnya, kasus Foto Bugil Chika ini tidak sampai di usut oleh pihak kepolisian.

Apakah Chika itu termasuk korban BSH (Barisan Sakit Hati), foto-foto serta video yang beredar itu disebarkan oleh mantan pacarnya setelah mungkin gagal menjalin hubungan yang lebih baik ? Karena kalau disebarkan oleh orang lain (bukan yang memotret), pastinya foto cowok itu ikut tertampil.

Chika itu fenomena, bagaimana sebuah dunia macam "Internet" dapat membentuk suatu karakter yang mungkin orangnya sendiri akan kaget ketika menemukannya.

mengapa dia dapat menjadi fenomena seperti ini...

Link dibawah ini terdapat 543 file foto dan 12 video chika, (97 MB)

Sumber dan Foto : Dari berbagai sumber

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