Friday, January 1, 2010

Kalender kegiatan Kabupaten Karangasem 2010

Selamat datang di Kabupaten Karangasem

"We welcome you with gladness in this Eastern part of Bali, Karangasem Regency.
As one of the destination places in this paradise island, we humbly present all unique and fascinating culture of our people that reflect in their daily activities.

In the whole 2010, many festivities and cultural events are ready to show to all visitors to be enjoyed.

This simple calendar of event has been prepared to give all visitors proper information about ritual and cultural events existing in this area. It is aimed to delight your days and to give you unforgettable experiences during your trip to this regency.

Hopefully, by the publishing of this calendar of event, you can enjoy and directly witness all the events prepared.
However, we kindly request women during menstruation not to enter Temple areas and other holy places.

May this will be most pleasant trip in Bali."

Calendars are in two languages (English and Bahasa Indonesia)
Link for download:
English (3.9 MB):
Bahasa Indonesia (3.9 MB):